How Celebrating Helps You Live And Learn (In The Best Way)

by WITHIN Meditation teacher Kim Nicol

It’s been said that we overestimate what we can do in a day, and underestimate what we can do in a year.

I think it’s also true that we overlook what we do in a day, and under-appreciate what we do in a year.

We are forgetful.

Plus, when you’re focused on what you need to do, or should be doing, of course you don’t notice or celebrate what you’ve actually accomplished.

But there’s a good reason to pause, reflect, and celebrate.

Studies show that celebrating is good for your brain and overall well-being and mental health.  And who doesn’t need more of that?

It also helps you learn from your positive life experiences.  

The brain has a negativity bias, which means we tend to put more attention and weight on our painful experiences or any perceived risk.  That’s why you remember the kid at school who said something hurtful when you were eight years old, but you don’t remember the compliment someone gave you last week.

It’s why, if you’ve ever given a presentation, you’ll focus on the one person who looks bored rather than noticing all the people who are engaged and following along.

When you celebrate, you train your attention to look for and learn from positive experiences in your life.

Do you need help strengthening your celebration muscle?

Here’s a prompt to get you started.

Think back to the start of this year. What was happening in your life? Who were you then?

And think of yourself now. 

What's changed? 

Now ask yourself:

  • How have you grown?

  • What have you accomplished?

  • What did you learn? or ask for, or set a boundary around, or open towards? 

  • What were you willing to try? 

  • What did you survive? 

  • What part of you have you trusted?

  • What choice or decision did you make? 

  • What do you want to celebrate that you've gained?  or released?

When you pause to think about it, I bet there is a lot for you to celebrate.

What are you celebrating?

Kim is so enthusiastic about this idea, she’s created a whole class about celebrating! During this holiday season, join her on Fridays at 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST for a special Celebration Circle. She also teaches meditation regularly in our online studio.