Our classes are all held online, so you can practice with us wherever you are!

Please email us at sit@withinmeditation.com if you run into any technical difficulties booking your class.

**All class times are Pacific Time (PDT)**

Please use this converter to determine what time a class is being held in your time zone.

Wondering what’s changed recently? Click here for the latest on our teachers and classes!

Introducing the Guidance Indicator!

Wondering what to expect in a new class? We've added a Guidance Indicator at the start of the description for each instructor's class. It lets you know how much you can expect the instructor to hold your hand (so to speak) during the meditation.

High guidance means the instructor provides gentle coaching throughout the class. Low guidance means the instructor sets the stage for your own personal introspection and in some cases provides a silent space for you.

Guidance Level Descriptions:

  • High: The instructor guides the entirety of your meditation time.

  • Medium-High: The instructor guides the majority of your meditation time, and includes a few minutes in silence or with self-guidance.

  • Medium: The instructor guides about 50% of your meditation time and includes time in silence or with self-guidance.

  • Low-Medium: Your meditation time is mostly silent or self-guided with a few minutes of instructor-led guidance.

  • Low: Your meditation time is silent or self-guided.


Drop-in Classes

$12 — Single Online Class
$50 — 5-Class Pack
$100 — 12-Class Pack

WITHIN Meditation Memberships

$69/month — Unlimited Flexible Membership

Give yourself the flexibility to meditate whenever is best for you. This membership gives you access to all of the classes we hold online: you can join any of our classes live, and you’ll receive the recordings of all of the classes held each day. (Each recording is available to you for one week after the class is held.) Your monthly membership helps us honor our teachers by paying them well for their presence and guidance. Choosing this level of membership also helps fund scholarships for students who wouldn’t be able to join our community without your help.

$49/month — Unlimited Essential Membership

Let our community of students and teachers support you with live group meditation classes. This membership allows you to join as many classes as you wish live, tapping into the inspiration and motivation that meditating in a group can provide. Your monthly membership helps us honor our teachers by paying them well for their presence and guidance.

We want to make it possible for anyone to be a part of the WITHIN community.

If $49/month is more than you can afford, just fill out this quick form to request a scholarship.