Insight and Action Circles

All Sessions Online

Our Insight & Action Circles will help you clarify what's most important to you; learn how to live those values today even if you're feeling stuck, stressed, or "not where you expected to be;" and create a playbook for your life.

Over the course of six sessions, you'll bring to light the unconscious choices and mindsets that may be holding you back, learn to leverage your innate strengths, and come away with mindset-shifting tools and evidence-based techniques that will leave you feeling more clear and confident.

With support and inspiration from coach Desiree Matloob and others in your circle, you'll put into practice living your deepest intentions and values today, no matter what the external circumstances are.

What to Expect

Each Circle meets for 6 75-minute interactive online group sessions led by Desiree Matloob.

During the course you will:

  • Understand how to live out your values even if you don’t have the [career, relationship, balance, life circumstance] that you want now.

  • Learn how to overcome ingrained thought patterns, take action even when there's fear and discomfort, and walk away with a playbook so you don't have to keep relearning the same lessons.

  • Do so with a community of people who want to go deep with each other, learn with and support each other, and create accountability even after the series ends.

Course logistics:

  • The 6-week series costs $299. Each session is 1 hour 15 minutes.

  • Participants who opt-in will be assigned a different “buddy” in between sessions to have a virtual check-in during the week.

Curriculum overview:

  • Session 1: “State of Affairs & Spotlight”: We'll start by examining the current state of our life across multiple dimensions (work, relationships, health, play, etc) and do a values clarification exercise to create a roadmap of where we want to go. We’ll end with a “Spotlight” exercise that allows the group to focus on each group member for a set period of time to ask questions, dig deeper, and really get to know them.

  • Session 2: “Understanding & Updating Your iOS (Internal Operating System)”: We’ll do some mindful investigation & radical self-inquiry into what has shaped your "internal operating system" -- family upbringing, societal conditioning, past experiences, current circumstances, triggers, mindsets and behaviors. We'll uncover insights into how your unique IOS is aiding you in living a life that honors your values and how to leverage your strengths, and how it might be unconsciously getting in your way. We’ll begin to document these insights into a playbook that we’ll continue to update throughout the series.

  • Session 3: “Can I Be Happy Even If …”: We’ll talk about how to live out our values even if we don’t have everything we want, or if we are currently experiencing difficulty in our life circumstances. Rather than focusing on outcome-based goals, we’ll take a deeper look at the values underneath them and the many ways those values can be expressed in our daily lives, despite what our work or personal situation is. We’ll also take a look at what is under our control to change in our own lives, and what needs to be approached with acceptance.

  • Session 4: “Weakening The Saboteurs”: We’ll integrate evidence-based practices like ACT and CBT to decrease barriers to value-based living and happiness in this moment. We'll apply these practices to intrusive thoughts & limiting beliefs, feelings of burnout and overwhelm, avoidance behaviors like procrastination, and fear/anxiety that gets in the way of living mindfully or taking action.

  • Session 5: “Strengthening Your IOS”: We’ll use mindfulness and body-based practices to strengthen your IOS in order to develop greater equanimity/resilience in times of difficulty, practice boundary-setting in work and personal relationships to honor our needs, and develop self-compassion and gratitude.

  • Session 6: “Integration and beyond”: Group members will share out the playbook they’ve been updating throughout the series with learnings about themselves, what tools are most effective for them, new habits and mindsets they’ve adopted, and where they are now vs six weeks ago. We’ll also co-create what group follow-up and accountability will look like post-series (in-person gatherings, quarterly zoom check-ins etc). 

Session format:

  • Grounding meditation or movement/embodiment exercise.

  • Group check-ins: group or break-out pair deepening questions, individual share-outs of goal progress and learnings from prior week

  • Cover session content and suggested homework (worksheets)

  • Connect content to your own life (through guided exercise, group discussion, group coaching, or break out pairs.

  • Group share out of session takeaways, goals and intentions for the week.

Your Teacher

Desiree Matloob is passionate about creating environments -- whether in her meditation classes, her coaching, or her group work -- that encourage self-reflection, authentic connection, and insights that lead to growth. Desiree is a national board certified coach who works with individuals to adopt mindsets & behavior patterns that help them best achieve what's important to them across their career and relationships -- without losing sight of balance. In doing so, she provides frameworks for combating imposter syndrome and anxiety, helps clients uncover deep-rooted limiting beliefs, and investigate not just the "why" but the "how" behind behaviors they want to change.

Desiree's work includes leadership & executive coaching for LaunchHouse and The Grand, peer support groups for Pace.Group; coaching individuals around career/purpose & relationships for Spring Health; and facilitating stress management groups at One Medical. In addition to her coaching practice, Desiree leads mindfulness workshops, classes, and strategy within various workplaces and community-based organizations. She has been practicing meditation since 2009, and since 2016 has made a yearly 10-day silent meditation (Vipassana) retreat a part of her personal practice.

What It Costs

Circle Registration ($299) includes all six 75-minute live online sessions for your Circle. Scholarships are available! Email us at if you need financial assistance.

We want you to feel great about jumping in. If you decide after your first Circle session that it isn’t for you, we’ll give you a full refund.

Because we also want you to take your participation in the Circle seriously, you must request the refund by 11:59pm PT on the day prior to the second session of your Circle for us to honor it. If you register with the Early Bird Special, upon issuing your refund we will end your month of unlimited access to online meditation classes held at WITHIN.

If you’re a member at WITHIN, you can join a Circle for 10% off! Just email for the promo code. (Please note members are not eligible for the Early Bird Special.)

Questions? Just email us at

We can’t wait to have you be a part of an Insight & Action Circle!


How much does it cost?
For $299, you’ll be enrolled in all six 75-minute online sessions. Scholarships are available! Just email us at to request financial assistance.

How do the online sessions work?
All Circle sessions are held via Zoom, so they’re super easy to join with your laptop, your tablet or your phone. You’ll receive a link to join once you complete your registration.

Are the online sessions recorded?
No, we won’t record the sessions, as we want to encourage everyone in your Circle to speak freely - including you!

When will I come to a Circle?
The Circle meets once a week for 75 minutes for six weeks. On the registration form, you’ll see there are four possible date/time options for the Circle. Please select all that work for you. The more dates/times you select, the more likely we will be able to place you in a Circle.

How often will I need to come to a Circle?
When you register, you’re committing to joining at least 5 out of the 6 live online sessions of your Circle. If you miss a session, Desiree can catch you up on the tools she introduced, but the real value of the Circle is the conversation and sharing among the participants. We encourage you to take your commitment to the Circle seriously, and do everything you can to protect that time on your schedule.

What happens in session?
In each session, Desiree will guide the group in a grounding meditation, and then invite everyone to check in. She’ll introduce a new idea or tool that you can use to clarify your vision and/or put it into action, and then lead an exercise to connect that new idea back to each group member’s life. Finally, you’ll journal about your goals and intentions for the week before sharing what you’re putting into action in the coming week.

Is there any guided meditation in the sessions?
While short guided meditations are a part of several of the sessions, it’s not the focus of the Circle. If you’re looking for guided meditation, check out our online classes instead.

Who leads the Circle sessions?
Desiree Matloob will lead the Circle sessions.

Do I need any special clothes or equipment?
None! You’ll need access to the internet, and a phone, laptop or tablet, to join the online classes - that’s it.

Can I start and stop during the Circle?
You’ll learn the most - and do the most to build your mindfulness practice - if you attend all six sessions of your Circle. However, if you miss a session, Desiree can catch you up on the tools she introduced. That said, the real value of the Circle is the conversation and sharing among the participants. We encourage you to take your commitment to the Circle seriously, and do everything you can to protect that time on your schedule.

What happens if I sign up, and then realize it's not right for me? Do you give refunds?
We want you to feel great about jumping in. If you decide after your first Circle session that it isn’t for you, we’ll give you a full refund. Because we also want you to take your participation in the Circle seriously, you must request the refund by 11:59pm PT on the day before the second session of your Circle for us to honor it. If you register with the Early Bird Special, upon issuing your refund we will end your month of unlimited access to online meditation classes held at WITHIN.

I have other questions!
Great! Just email us at and we'll answer right away.