Each month, we invite the teachers at WITHIN to offer wisdom and inspiration around a particular topic. In December, we’re talking about peace: cultivating inner peace, how we can be the peace we wish to see in the world, and what to do when it's hard to be "at peace."
On December 16th, three of our teachers will get together for an informal conversation on Zoom exploring this month’s theme: Kim Nicol, Jonathan Borella and Herky Chopra. Whether you join them live 4-5pm PST / 7-8pm EST, or listen to the recording afterwards, you’re sure to get a variety of perspectives and ideas to nourish your meditation practice.
Anyone can submit a question ahead of time for the teachers - just fill out this quick form. We also welcome your questions live! Please note, during the conversation we will record both the questions submitted and the responses from the teachers. If you’d prefer that we not mention your name, be sure to indicate that on the form or when you type your question in the Zoom chat.
This conversation will be held online via Zoom; the link will be provided to you via email when you register. Registration is $15.
If you’re a WITHIN Member, this is included in your membership - email us for the promo code!
Kim Nicol
Kim Nicol, PCC, is a meditation teacher and life coach. She uses appreciative inquiry and possibility thinking to help her clients create the results they want in life. She works with ambitious, heart-centered leaders to become more effective managers. Her mindfulness workshops help teams connect as humans, increase well-being, and find relief from stress and burnout.
Kim lives in San Francisco. She is a former lawyer. Learn more at https://kimnicol.com
Jonathan Borella
Suffering shared is half the suffering. Joy shared is twice the joy. Jonathan is inspired by sharing mindfulness practices with people seeking to develop their innate resilience and live integrated lives with kindness and wisdom.
Jonathan was ordained by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh into the Order of Interbeing in 2013. In his 15 years of practice, he has been a community builder for local Sanghas, organized monastic tours, offered practices and teaching at several monasteries and practice centers around the U.S. and Vietnam, and created mindfulness programs for college students, teens, families in crisis, prisoners, social workers, and corporate employees.
Following a year long training at Deer Park Monastery, Jonathan moved to Ukiah, California to start the Sugarplum Sangha, a residential mindfulness community that offers daily meditation sessions and retreats on campus and online. Jonathan's favorite mindfulness practices are pottery, tea, aikido, and eating.
Herky Chopra
Herky had a deep meditative upbringing growing up in India with exposure to wisdom teachings, and the guidance of an enlightened master. She immigrated to the US at the age of 20 and even though Herky held a successful corporate career as a Project Manager, her deepest passion is in practicing and teaching meditation. She is also a life coach for women and helps them find well-being by creating an inward shift & tap into higher levels of self-compassion, self-worth, joy, and inner peace. She uses a variety of techniques in her practice but her core message is that we all have accessibility & must learn to tap into the inner dimensions of calm and presence amidst all the chaos we often experience in our outside world.
For the past 12 years, Herky has deep-dived in various modalities and practical applications in personal development, positive psychology, career and life coaching, mindfulness, and spirituality integrating east-west wisdom teachings.
In her own personal journey raising three children as a single mom and a full-time career, Herky has found meditation to be her constant companion to not only get grounded and overcome the stresses of modern living but also find meaning, joy, and beauty in her daily life.