Embracing the Lull
Sometimes the world around us creates the space we need to relax, whether we’re looking for it or not. Like this week, for instance. As people leave the city for Burning Man and extended Labor Day weekends, there’s a noticeable shift in energy and busy-ness. Those of us who choose to stay experience a lull, a breather, that it would be easy to just run right over in our excitement to get things done, or our grumbling about not having made plans in time to leave ourselves.
What if, instead, you accept the invitation to slow down? The moment you do, you open to the possibility of life taking a different direction than it usually does. Down-shifting can create unexpected openings for inspiration and fun. Could you leave the office early and meet up with a friend who likewise chose to be here? Or go for a walk at lunchtime instead of eating quickly at your desk? What if you took an evening to enjoy a show, or read a book you’ve been meaning to start?
Meditation is one tool that helps you slow down and be in the moment. It also happens to be one of our favorites. Sit with us this week, and give yourself the space to see what unfolds. We’ll be right there with you.