Amanda Pandey


Amanda was first introduced to meditation 10 years ago and has studied and cultivated a practice of her own over the years. She has practiced a variety of different techniques, taken courses, worked with experts, and has also assisted with research at the Clinically Applied Affective Neuroscience Lab at the University of California, Davis to prove the effectiveness of meditation on mental health. Amanda is now a certified yoga and meditation teacher and is passionate about sharing just how impactful mindfulness and meditation can be with others to help them lead more centered and balanced lives.

A core part of the meditation work Amanda does involves grounding one’s self in the body. Her goal is for others to be able to best help themselves as their body always knows what it needs, and if they can learn to give themselves enough space to hear these answers, they’ve already conquered the hardest step. Amanda’s focus is on empowering others to reconnect with themselves and their bodies so that they are able to work through any internal blocks and limiting beliefs with more confidence and ease. 



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